Delicious Freeze Dried Tangerine Parfait

Refreshing Freeze-Dried Tangerines Parfait Recipe

Written by: Özgün Can Kaya



Time to read 4 min


  • 1 cup freeze-dried tangerines: These add a delightful crunch and intense tangerine flavor to the parfait.

  • 2 cups yogurt (plain or vanilla): Provides a creamy, tangy base. If using plain yogurt, you can customize the sweetness.

  • 1/2 cup granola: Adds a crunchy texture and nutty flavor, balancing the smoothness of the yogurt.

  • 1/4 cup honey or agave syrup: A natural sweetener to enhance the flavor of the yogurt.

  • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract (if using plain yogurt): Adds a rich, aromatic note to the yogurt.

  • 1/2 cup fresh tangerine segments (optional for garnish): Adds freshness and a juicy burst of flavor.

  • Mint leaves (optional for garnish): For a fresh, aromatic touch and a pop of green color.


1. Prepare the Yogurt Base

In a mixing bowl, combine 2 cups of Greek yogurt with 1/4 cup of honey or agave syrup and 1/2 teaspoon of vanilla extract if you're using plain yogurt. Stir well until the mixture is smooth and evenly sweetened. This will serve as the creamy foundation of your parfait.

Mixing yogurt with honey in a mixing bowl

2. Layer the Parfait

  • Choose a clear glass or parfait cup to showcase the beautiful layers of your parfait.

  • Start by spooning a generous layer of the prepared yogurt mixture into the bottom of the glass. Aim for about 1/4 cup of yogurt per layer.

  • Next, add a layer of granola. Sprinkle approximately 2 tablespoons of granola over the yogurt. This adds a delightful crunch and nutty flavor.

  • Follow the granola with a layer of freeze-dried tangerines. Use about 2 tablespoons of freeze-dried tangerines for each layer. These provide a tangy, citrusy punch and a unique texture.

  • Repeat these layers (yogurt, granola, freeze-dried tangerines) until you reach the top of the glass or cup. Aim for at least two to three layers of each component for a visually appealing parfait.

Mixing yogurt with honey in a mixing bowl

3. Garnish

  • For an extra burst of freshness and color, garnish the top layer with a few fresh tangerine segments. This not only enhances the flavor but also adds a juicy, vibrant element to the parfait.

  • Place a sprig of fresh mint leaves on top for a touch of aromatic freshness and an attractive presentation.

Mixing yogurt with honey in a mixing bowl

4. Serve

  • Serve the parfait immediately to maintain the crunchiness of the granola and freeze-dried tangerines. The contrast of textures and flavors is best enjoyed fresh.

Mixing yogurt with honey in a mixing bowl

5. Tips

Enjoy your beautifully layered, refreshing, and delicious freeze-dried tangerines parfait! This dessert is perfect for a light, satisfying treat any time of the day.

To add more variety and complexity to your parfait, consider incorporating other freeze-dried fruits such as strawberries, blueberries, or mangoes.

If you prefer a slightly softer texture for the freeze-dried tangerines, lightly mist them with water before layering. This will partially rehydrate them while maintaining some crunch.

Adjust the sweetness of the yogurt to your taste by adding more or less honey or agave syrup. Taste as you go to find your perfect balance.

Freeze-Dried Tangerines: A Healthy Snack

Freeze-dried tangerines are a top choice for health-conscious snackers, combining the natural sweetness of fresh tangerines with the convenience of a lightweight, shelf-stable product. These snacks provide numerous health benefits without compromising on flavor.

Nutritional Benefits

Freeze-dried tangerines are rich in essential nutrients. They are an excellent source of vitamin C, a powerful antioxidant that boosts the immune system, supports skin health, and enhances iron absorption. They also provide dietary fiber, aiding digestion and helping maintain fullness, contributing to weight management. These snacks are low in calories and fat, offering a guilt-free way to satisfy cravings while adhering to a balanced diet.

Convenience and Versatility

A primary advantage of freeze-dried tangerines is their convenience. Lightweight, non-perishable, and not requiring refrigeration, they are ideal for busy lifestyles. Whether packing a lunchbox, heading to the gym, or going on a hike, freeze-dried tangerines are easy to carry and enjoy anytime, anywhere.

These snacks are also versatile. Enjoy them straight out of the bag for a quick and healthy treat or incorporate them into various dishes for added flavor. Sprinkle them over yogurt, oatmeal, or salads, blend them into smoothies, or use them as a topping for desserts. Their unique texture adds a delightful crunch, enhancing any meal.

Eco-Friendly and Sustainable

Choosing freeze-dried tangerines is environmentally conscious. The freeze-drying process extends the shelf life of tangerines, reducing food waste by ensuring more fruit is consumed rather than discarded. Their lightweight nature means less packaging and lower transportation costs, reducing the overall environmental footprint.

The Author: Özgün Can Kaya

Özgün Can Kaya is a dedicated cooking enthusiast with over a decade of experience in different recipes. Trained in traditional Turkish cooking practices, he emphasizes the varieties of dishes in every country. 

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