
Claros to School: 5 Golden Rules for Healthy Eating for Kids

Written by: Neziralp Kaya



Time to read 6 min

"Claros to School" outlines five essential rules for helping children develop healthy eating habits. These include encouraging a balanced, nutrient-rich diet, maintaining regular meal times with healthy snacks, involving children in meal preparation, limiting processed and sugary foods, and leading by example. The blog emphasizes the importance of providing children with wholesome, natural foods and offers practical tips for parents to make healthy eating fun and sustainable. Claros Farm's additive-free fruit snacks are highlighted as a nutritious and convenient option for parents to incorporate into their child’s daily routine, offering a delicious alternative to sugary, processed snacks.

As parents, one of our most important roles is helping our children develop healthy eating habits that will serve them well throughout their lives. Good nutrition plays a vital role in a child's growth and development, supporting their physical health, cognitive performance, and emotional well-being. But encouraging kids to eat healthy can sometimes feel like a challenge, especially with the abundance of processed, sugary, and additive-laden snacks available in the market today.

At Claros Farm, we understand these concerns and have made it our mission to offer parents a natural, nutritious solution: additive-free, whole fruit snacks that kids love. These snacks are not only delicious but also support your child's nutritional needs. In this post, we'll explore five golden rules for healthy eating for kids and provide practical tips on how Claros Farm's products can be seamlessly integrated into your child's daily diet. Welcome to "Claros to School" , where eating healthy is not only easy but also enjoyable for the whole family.

Eat a Balanced Diet Rich in Nutrients

One of the most important principles of healthy eating for kids is ensuring they have a well-rounded, nutrient-rich diet. A balanced plate should include a variety of food groups: fruits, vegetables, whole grains, proteins, and healthy fats. Each group provides essential nutrients that children need for growth and development.

Practical Tips for Parents:

  • Make it colorful : Encourage your child to eat a variety of fruits and vegetables by making meals colorful. Each color provides different nutrients, so aim for a rainbow on their plate.

  • Introduce whole grains : Swap refined grains (like white bread and pasta) with whole grains such as quinoa, oats, and whole wheat bread. These are richer in fiber, which helps with digestion and keeps kids full longer.

  • Protein variety : Incorporate different protein sources like lean meats, eggs, fish, beans, and lentils into your meals. Protein supports muscle development and helps keep energy levels steady.

How Claros Farm Helps:

Claros Farm’s fruit snacks are made from 100% natural fruits, providing a healthy, balanced option for snacking. These snacks are an easy way to boost your child's daily fruit intake without any added sugars or preservatives. Whether it's an apple, mango, or berry blend, Claros Farm offers a wide selection of delicious, nutrient-packed fruit snacks that can serve as a perfect addition to any meal or snack time.

Encourage Regular Meal Times and Healthy Snacks

Having regular meal times helps establish a healthy routine for kids. Skipping meals or snacking too much between meals can lead to overeating or unhealthy choices. Establishing three balanced meals a day with two healthy snacks in between can help children maintain energy levels and prevent them from reaching for processed, sugary foods.

Practical Tips for Parents:

  • Create a meal schedule : Try to stick to a regular eating schedule for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. This helps regulate appetite and digestion.

  • Pack healthy snacks : Instead of chips or candy, offer healthy, portable snacks like fruit, nuts, yogurt, or Claros Farm fruit snacks. These snacks are nutrient-dense and easy to carry in lunchboxes or on the go.

  • Water over sugary drinks : Encourage your child to drink water with their meals instead of sugary juices or sodas. You can add a slice of fruit like lemon or cucumber to make it more appealing.

How Claros Farm Helps:

Claros Farm’s additive-free, all-natural fruit snacks are a perfect option for mid-morning or afternoon snacks. Made from whole fruits, they provide fiber and natural sweetness that keeps kids full and satisfied between meals without spiking their blood sugar levels. Parents can feel confident knowing that they’re offering a healthy alternative to highly processed snacks.

Freeze Dried Fruits

Involve Your Kids in Meal Preparation

Children are more likely to eat foods they helped prepare, so get them involved in the kitchen. Teaching them about different ingredients, cooking techniques, and where food comes from can spark their interest in healthy eating. Plus, cooking together is a great way to bond as a family.

Practical Tips for Parents:

  • Make it fun : Allow your child to choose what fruits or vegetables to include in a meal or let them help with washing or chopping ingredients (with supervision). Make cooking a fun, educational activity.

  • Teach them about nutrition : Talk to your kids about the benefits of the foods they're eating. For example, explain how fruits and vegetables make them stronger and help them stay active.

How Claros Farm Helps:

Claros Farm can be a part of your child’s food education. Let them pick their favorite fruit snack flavors and explain how the fruits are sourced and processed naturally, without any additives or artificial ingredients. You could also encourage them to incorporate Claros Farm fruit snacks into their own creative recipes, such as topping yogurt or adding to oatmeal.

Freeze Dried Fruits

Limit Processed and Sugary Foods

While it’s nearly impossible to avoid processed foods entirely, it’s essential to limit the intake of overly processed and sugary foods in your child's diet. These foods often contain unhealthy additives, excessive sugar, and empty calories, which can lead to weight gain, poor concentration, and increased risk of chronic diseases.

Practical Tips for Parents:

  • Read labels : When grocery shopping, check food labels for added sugars, unhealthy fats, and artificial ingredients. Opt for products with minimal ingredients and avoid those with ingredients you can’t pronounce.

  • Set boundaries for sweets : Sweets and desserts can be enjoyed occasionally, but they shouldn't be a daily part of your child's diet. Encourage healthier dessert alternatives like fruit or Claros Farm's fruit snacks, which are naturally sweet and satisfying.

  • Swap sugary snacks : Replace sugary granola bars, cookies, or candy with nutritious alternatives like Claros Farm's whole fruit snacks. This gives kids the taste they crave without the sugar overload.

How Claros Farm Helps:

With no added sugars, artificial flavors, or preservatives, Claros Farm’s fruit snacks offer a sweet and satisfying alternative to conventional sugary treats. These snacks are made from real, whole fruits, giving your child a naturally sweet snack option that they’ll love, without the harmful effects of processed sugar.


Establishing healthy eating habits for your child doesn't have to be a battle. By following these five golden rules—ensuring a balanced diet, encouraging regular meals, involving kids in cooking, limiting processed foods, and leading by example—you can foster a positive relationship with food that will benefit your child for years to come.

At Claros Farm, we're committed to helping you along this journey. Our range of additive-free, nutritious fruit snacks can be a convenient and delicious part of your child’s daily diet. As you embark on this "Claros to School" adventure, remember that small changes can make a big impact. Healthy eating starts with simple, thoughtful choices—and with the right guidance and a little creativity, you can set your child up for a lifetime of well-being.


Neziralp Kaya

I am a graduate of Uludağ University with a degree in Accounting. I began my career at Claros Farm under SV Technology, where I currently work. In addition to my professional role, I am a blogger on Medium, where I create content on various topics.

What is "Claros to School" and what is its purpose?

"Claros to School" is a brand-specific name inspired by the "Back to School" theme for the new school year. Under this title, blog posts are shared offering important tips and insights for children and families on healthy eating and daily lifestyle advice.

What makes Claros Farm fruit snacks different from other snack options?

Claros Farm fruit snacks are made from 100% natural fruits with no added sugars, artificial flavors, or preservatives. They provide a healthy, whole-food alternative to traditional snacks, making them perfect for kids who need a nutritious yet tasty option.

How can I get my child to enjoy eating healthy foods?

Involve your child in meal preparation, make meals colorful and fun, and offer a variety of fruits and vegetables. By creating a positive environment around food and offering snacks like Claros Farm's naturally sweet fruit products, kids are more likely to enjoy and choose healthy options.

How do I balance healthy eating with occasional treats for my kids?

While occasional treats are fine, it’s important to limit sugary and processed foods. Encourage healthier alternatives like fruit-based desserts or Claros Farm snacks, which satisfy sweet cravings without the added sugar and unhealthy ingredients commonly found in processed treats.

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